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Korean Missiles, Killer Storm, & Kuroda Spark Biggest Buying-Panic In Tech Stocks Since Election

For today's stock market recap, see yesterday!


In a comedic case of deja vu, somebody flicked the "DUMP VIX, BUY NASDAQ" swicth at exactly the moment US equity markets opened...


The Dow fell back into the red into the close and there was some selling pressure ahead of tomorrow's month-end, but still, everything but The Dow just went straight up...


On a bed of momentum ignited by Kuroda and his magical USDJPY levitation...


With FANG stocks and Biotechs...

Pushing Nasdaq up almost 3% from yesterday's lows - the biggest swing higher since the election last year (Nov 10th)

On the week, it's pretty clear where the malarkey is (NOTE the selling as Europe opens and panic-buying as US opens)


Nasdaq and The Dow managed to get back into the green for August (which seemed to be critical for the machines), but the S&P remains down 0.5% still...


Spot The Odd One Out...


The S&P closed above its 50DMA...


Treasury yields went absolutely nowhere today - trading in an incredibley narrow range!


The Dollar index extended yesterday's gains, erasing the post-Yellen J-Hole losses...


USDJPY (cough Kuroda cough) has just exploded since yesterday's open...Someone was willing to pile in to every dip for 2 big figures straight up..



WTI fell further as RBOB rallied but the afternoon saw volatility in the energy complex amid headlines on refiners restarting...


Gold and Silver drifted modestly lower on the day...