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Kurdish Genocide? Turkey Launches War On Minorities

The Kurdish people in the Middle East have become viewed as an “enemy” by Turkey, as Erdogan’s regime have vowed to wipe out the minority group who are largely seen as allies by the rest of the Western world.  The Kurds are one of the largest and most diverse nomadic tribes in the Middle East, originally from Iran, who now live without a state of their own. reports: All four Middle-Eastern countries hosting large Kurdish population have a history of violence connected with Kurdish nationalism, but the extent varies greatly. Iran has the least trouble and was most successful in peacefully integrating its Kurds. They served as cabinet ministers and other senior officials, were represented in the parliament, granted cultural freedoms and otherwise respected both before and after the Islamic revolution of 1979. There were hostile episodes too. There were Kurdish tribal insurgencies in monarchial Iran in 1926, during World War II and again in 1967. In the first post-revolution years there was a bloody Kurdish uprising in the Islamic Republic, as Kurds felt suppressed by the new government. In modern Iran, Shiite Kurds are treated better than Sunni Kurds and political activism may result in repercussions. Since 2004 [...]