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Lack Of Panda Sex Blamed On Humans

Panda’s are known to be shy when it comes to mating and producing cubs, that is why there are so few of them around. The lack of motivation in sex had perplexed conservationists for more than 50 years. However, scientists now believe that human made noise pollution may be interfering with Panda mating protocols. Their findings is published in the journal of Global Ecology and Conservation. Mental Floss reports: Sound is an essential element of panda sex. Unlike other bears, female pandas are spontaneous ovulators; that is, it happens when it happens, instead of being triggered by an external factor like sex or seasonal changes. But giant pandas are loners, which means it’s unlikely that a male panda and a female panda will be in the same place when she starts ovulating. To find each other, they start yelling, and continue to do so even once they’re together. Each outburst could potentially contain a lot of important information about the noise-maker, including their location and their intention—but only if other pandas can hear and understand them. While we know a lot about bears, we know very little about their hearing. There’s only one species whose hearing abilities have been quantified: polar bears. So conservation [...]