Hundreds of thousands are expected to gather across 38 countries and 428 cities to join in peaceful protest against the Monsanto Company as a part of the ‘March Against Monsanto‘ grassroots campaign on May 21, 2016. A complete list of events can be found here: Find March Against Monsanto in your city Natural Blaze reports: This movement seeks to raise awareness to the dangers surrounding Monsanto’s genetically modified seeds and cancer-linked herbicide Roundup. The campaign comes as the demand for GMO labeling and non-GMO food alternatives continues its exponential climb, with states like Vermont enacting mandatory GM labeling legislation that will require food corporations to let consumers know if their products contain GM ingredients. In polls conducted by the New York Times, Washington Post, Consumer Reports, and many others, over 90% of respondents were in support of national GMO labeling – an initiative that has been defeated time and time again at the state level thanks to heavy spending by Monsanto-backed lobbying groups. Highlighting the concern over Monsanto’s creations is the latest report from the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research group, which listed Monsanto’s best-selling herbicide Roundup as a ‘probable carcinogen’. This finding has drawn many researchers and [...]