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Medical Delivery Times: Can Drone Delivery Save Lives?


2 hours ago


February 23, 2024




Alan Kennedy

Article & Editing

  • Jenna Ross
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Drone Delivery Times: Can Drones Save Lives?

Over 12 million people live in rural Rwanda, where the poor conditions of many roads can mean critical medical supplies take up to 4 hours to reach those who need them most. 

So, when every second counts, we ask: can drone delivery save lives? 

Finding the Answer

The Lancet published a study conducted between 2015 and 2019 to discover how fast drones could deliver blood supplies from Centres for Blood Transfusion (CBTs) to 20 local hospitals in Rwanda. They then compared these findings against average road-delivery times in the same locations.

What they found could impact medical deliveries throughout the developing world. 

Drone Delivery: Flying in a Solution 

Drone delivery of critical blood supplies to remote communities in Rwanda was 96 minutes faster on average than delivery by road. In some cases, drones could even improve delivery times by an incredible 3 hours.

Transfusion Centre Route Driving Time (mins) Drone Delivery Time (mins)
Kigali 1 - Muhororo 240 29
2 - Ruhango 240 31
3 - Ruli 180 41
4 - Byumba 120 54
5 - Kabgayi 120 24
Ruhengeri 1 - Butaro 180 52
2 - Kinikira 150 58
3 - Kabaya 120 43
4 - Nemba 120 41
5 - Shyira 120 46
Butare 1 - Gitwe 180 33
2 - Kaduha 180 37
3 - Gakoma 120 44
4 - Gikonko 120 40
5 - Kigeme 90 40
6 - Nyanza 90 33
7 - Kibilizi 60 57
Karongi 1 - Murunda 150 48
2 - Kirinda 120 31
3 - Mugonero 60 50

The study also revealed that drone delivery dramatically reduces the volume of medical waste created during deliveries. After 12 months of the study, it was found that faster blood, platelet, and plasma delivery reduced expirations by 67%.

Enter Zipline

Drone delivery of medical supplies can have some genuinely profound results, which is why Zipline operates the world’s most extensive drone delivery system. They make it their mission to accurately and effectively supply life-saving medical products to those who need them most. 

Scottish Mortgage offers exposure to Zipline, along with many other pioneering businesses.

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Related Topics: #africa #drone technology #map #commercial drones #drones #medicine #future of medicine #Scottish Mortgage #rwanada #medical delivery times #zipline

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