A transgender mafia boss who was missing for three days has been found killed “execution style” in a ditch on the outskirts of Naples, Italy. The Independent reports: Giovanni Arrivoli, 41, was found half buried in a ditch near Naples in Italy and had been shot three times, twice in the head, in what police said appeared to be an execution-style killing. Giò, donna del clan che voleva essere uomo: uccisa come un boss|Foto: https://t.co/0eb1OxHDgf — MISTERO (@MISTERO_MISTERI) May 12, 2016 Arrivoli, who was assigned a female gender at birth, underwent female-to-male gender reassignment surgery and was reportedly a senior member of the local Pagato Amato crime family, The Mirror reported. He had been reported missing by his girlfriend, who he reportedly intended to marry, and after three days police found his body on 13 May, with local media reporting there were signs he had been tortured and forced to kneel before he was killed. Police have so far offered no explanation as to the murder of Arrivoli, who owned the Blue Moon café in Melito di Napoli, where the crime family conducts much of its business. However theories of the killing put forward by local media range from a [...]