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Murder Of Belgian Nuclear Guard ‘Not Linked To Terror’- Prosecutor

A security guard who worked at a Belgian nuclear research centre was murdered and allegedly had his security pass stolen, just two days after the Brussels terror attacks. Didier Prospero,  a security guard from the G4S international security firm, was shot several times in the bathroom of his home in the Charleroi region of Belgium.  His body was found lying next to that of his dog, who had also been shot dead. The Belgian prosecutor investigating the murder has “formally denied” any connection between the case and terrorist activity. The prosecutor also denied earlier media reports that Prospero’s access badge had been stolen and said was in charge of security for a nuclear research centre at Fleurus. Media had said he worked at a nuclear power plant. RT reports: Prospero was found dead in the bathroom at his home in Froidchapelle by his three children as they returned from school on Thursday. He was shot four times and his dog was also killed. He was in charge of security at the IRE ELiT that specializes in production of radiochemical and radiopharmaceutical products as well as in radioactivity analysis. The case is being handled by criminal investigators while anti-terror specialists are [...]