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Mysterious Vibrations, Boom Sounds Heard Acros South Carolina

People across South Carolina reported hearing vibrations and loud boom sounds earlier on Tuesday afternoon.  Residents in Charleston, Berkeley, Williamsburg,  and Mount Pleasant reported hearing the strange sounds. reports: Some on Daniel Island, James Island and Goose Creek said their homes shook. This happened around 12:26 p.m. Tuesday afternoon. The USGS website currently does not have an earthquake recorded. At 1:37 p.m. the USGS said “We see no detectable EQ in Charleston at the time of reported shaking. The origin of the disturbance is unknown possibly a sonic boom.” We see no detectable EQ in Charleston at the time of reported shaking. The origin of the disturbance is unknown possibly a sonic boom — USGS (@USGS) January 26, 2016 Our systems are not designed for detecting sonic booms so other information is needed to verify — USGS (@USGS) January 26, 2016 The College of Charleston Earthquake Centers tells News 2, what was recorded on the seismograph was too small to have been an earthquake felt this widespread. C of C says “Our SC Earthquake Education and Preparedness program says it was a sonic boom, not an earthquake.” People across South Carolina reported hearing vibrations and loud boom sounds earlier [...]