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New York Times Demands Ad Networks ‘Ban Independent Media’

New York Times CEO, Mark Thompson, has urged advertising networks to cease funding all forms of independent media outlets, claiming that they are guilty of spreading “fake news”. Speaking to the Detroit Economic Club, Mark Thompson urged advertising networks to starve all forms of alternative media and independent news websites of cash, thus causing them to disappear from the Internet altogether. “As for the digital giants, I believe they need to think hard about transparency and accountability. Their ad tech and ad networks help make fake news so lucrative – here too they need to help the whole industry cut off the advertising revenue which enables the fake sites to flourish,” Thompson said. reports: He continued, “These great, profoundly creative enterprises like to think of themselves as engines of progress, capable of bringing people together and making the world a better place. One can applaud that and still believe, in the matter of their handling of news, and especially fake and distorted news, that they are inadvertently enabling malign and destructive forces and that, unless they do something, they – and we – will pay a heavy price for it.” Make no mistake, this isn’t some milk toast call [...]

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