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Next Issue Of The Wild Bunch Dispatch: Ten Items I would Not Want To Live Without During A Collapse

Issue #85 of The Wild Bunch Dispatch, Alt-Market’s exclusive newsletter covering concepts and tactics for defeating globalism, is set to be released on November 1st. The Wild Bunch is a place to explore subjects and solutions to centralized tyranny which are rarely if ever covered by the rest of the alternative media. Meaning, we talk about direct action measures along with more passive strategies.

There a million survival gear lists out there on the internet with a variety of opinions on must have items. I have my own lists, but for the sake of game theory I have been considering this question: If I could only have ten survival items, what would they be? This is really an exercise in ranking necessities and understanding the triage inherent in preparedness. It can help us to avoid spending limited money on things we probably will never use, or at least help us to stock the items we most need first.

In the next issue of the Wild Bunch Dispatch I will outline my list of top ten preps I absolutely would not want to live without during a worst case scenario collapse, with all of the items being things I have tested thoroughly myself over many years.

Ten Items I would Not Want To Live Without During A Collapse

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Also, back issues of The Wild Bunch are available to ANYONE for an additional $3 per issue. Just be sure to leave me a note or email when you make your purchase indicating which back issues you would like to purchase.  For additional information you can contact me at:

[email protected]


Brandon Smith, Founder of

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