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Obama Silent On Turkey’s Mass Genocide Of Kurds

The Ministry of Defense have accused tat the Obama administration of ignoring the systematic genocide of Kurds in Turkey by President Erdogan’s brutal regime.  A report circulating the Kremlin warns that Turkey is close to breaking into a civil war, and that the Kurdish people are being slaughtered en masse in a style similar to Nazi Germany. reports: With Turkey’s Kurdish population being the largest ethnic minority in that country numbering between 14-22.5 million [Note: Turkey forbids an exact census of these people.], this report continues, Turkey considers them a threat—even to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan vowing recently that he will not allow this Kurdish “threat” to exist either inside or outside his country and stating about them: “You will be annihilated in those houses, those buildings, those ditches which you have dug.” Backing up this vow, this report notes, Erdogan has not only begun a bombing campaign against the US-backed Kurdish peoples in Syria and Iraq heroically fighting, and dying, against Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/Daesh) terrorist barbarians, he has begun ruthlessly exterminating the Kurdish peoples in his own nation too. Two of the worst Kurdish cities in Turkey under genocidal seize by Erdogan’s forces, this report grimly states, are Cizre and [...]