Lawyers for Elton John and husband David Furnish have launched an aggressive campaign to silence media outlets from naming the famous pair in an attempt to prevent details of their celebrity threesome scandal from going viral online. Despite this, a British MP has reportedly said he is planning to break the Court of Appeal injunction and will use the protection of parliamentary privilege in order to “out” the famous pair. The National Enquirer originally exposed David Furnish’ extramarital affair last week when it ran the headline, “Elton John Betrayed by Cheating Husband!” on its front page. The couple have since taken out a super-injunction, barring the press in England from naming names, on the basis that the pair do not want their children learn about it. Is the celebrity injunction morally acceptable? According to many newspaper editors and MPs, there is more at stake to this story than the potential embarrassment of Elton John’s children. Many have complained that the High Court injunction curtails basic press freedoms and makes a mockery of the privacy laws being used to justify such censorship, especially given the fact that the details of the story are already widely reported online. reports: Judges found that the right to “private and family [...]