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Pelosi: The People Deserve To Know What's In Healthcare Bill Before We Pass It

Back in 2010, amid the furore over the Democrat's healthcare tax - soon to be nicknamed 'Obamacare' - Nancy Pelosi explained to the world, seemingly ignorant of the inaneness of what she was saying, that "we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it."


7 years later, we know how that ended, you lost the doctor you liked and your premiums are exploding.

So here we are, in 2017, 50 days after President Trump took office and the markups to the Obamacare Repeal and Replace actions are underway, and none other than the very same Democratic Party leader Nancy Pelosi has this to say (in a letter to Speaker Ryan)...

Dear Speaker Ryan,


This week, the Committees on Energy & Commerce and Ways & Means will be marking up Republicans’ long-feared bill to dismantle affordable health care.  The GOP legislation will have life or death consequences for tens of millions of families across America, and extraordinary impacts on state and federal budgets long into the future.


The American people and Members have a right to know the full impact of this legislation before any vote in Committee or by the whole House.


I hope that Republicans will honor their responsibility to the American people both before the Committees vote and before the final bill goes to the House floor.

Once again proving that politicians must have their 'shame' gland removed upon taking the oath and that hypocrisy is a strategy after all.