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People As Poultry


We live in a lunatic asylum .. the lunatics being us.

For believing we ever lived in a “free” country. As long ago as the reign of His Rotundity – the second president of the United (at bayonet-point) States – people were being dragooned off the street and roughly thrown into cages for having annoyed the powers-that-be. Or who were deemed “dangerous” by the powers-that-be. This was more than 200 years before The Chimp came along with his squinty-eyed pronouncements about “the enemies of freedom” and being either “with us” or “against us.”


Not much is taught in government schools (for the obvious reason) about the Alien and Sedition Acts – or other such clear evidence of a disconnect between what we are told and what actually is.

For example, why should a free man have to worry about prosecution for “possessing” anything? In what way does the mere fact of “possession” entail a harm caused to some other person?

How is it that a free man can be told – at gunpoint – what he may not put into his body?

I refer, of course, to the lunacy that is the “war” on some (arbitrarily decided upon) “drugs.”

Of all the many things wrong with America, this is perhaps the most obvious – and yet, the one most people seem to have trouble appreciating. A cop who drinks alcohol – who possesses and consumes this drug – is legally empowered to throw people in a cage for possessing or consuming that drug.

Or even if not.

In the video above, a salesman from California traveling through Wichita County, TX is followed by police for nearly half an hour before he is pulled over for a minor traffic violation. One so minor, in fact, the cop who pulls him over initially states that he will only be issuing a warning. But then things escalate – and the driver is advised that a drug-sniffing dog will be brought out and that if this dog “alerts” to the supposed presence of arbitrarily illegal “drugs,” the driver’s vehicle will be searched.

No surprise, the dog “alerted” – and that was sufficient probable cause for a pair of Drug Warriors to rummage through the man’s vehicle and his personal property in the hopes of finding some arbitrarily illegal “drugs.” Which would have not only resulted in the arrest of the driver but also the likely forfeiture (read, the stealing) of his vehicle, a common practice employed by Drug Warriors and a financial incentive for them to be particularly aggressive in their truffle pig-like sussing out of these arbitrarily illegal “drugs.”


None were discovered – fortunately for the victim. That is to say, the driver, whose only crime appears to have been that he was an out-of-state driver. This, by itself, is enough to draw the attention of the Drug Warriors. They will ride your ass for as long as it takes for you to let your tire touch the yellow line – or perhaps signal a left turn not quite 100 feet from the road you’re turning onto. Maybe your windows are “tinted.”

They will find a reason – and then it’s open season.

The next step is to bring out a dog and let him leap up on your doors and scratch your vehicle’s paint with his claws. Then, like Dr. Doolittle – his handler will converse with the canine and he (the canine) will, through some inscrutable doggy pantomime of yelps and body gyrations, convey to his handler that he smells arbitrarily illegal drugs.

That’s all it takes. The “word” of… a dog.

This is considered adequate probable cause to remove you from your vehicle and to then root around through your vehicle and its contents in search of … well… whatever they find.


Or, plant.

You not only have no right to confront/cross-examine this “witness” against you… it is an inter-species impossibility. Except for the handler, naturlich – who tells us (and we must believe him) what the dog is thinking (and saying) and whose “testimony” is accepted at face value… both by the side of the road and later on, when you are before a judge.

You – the defendant – might try yelping and rolling on your back to “question” the “witness.” But the answers are inadmissible.

All of this over the possession of a substance decreed – arbitrarily – to be verboten to possess. Not even the pretext is offered that some actual harm has been caused to anyone. Or even might be. The government – that is, the people who have somehow assumed ownership over us – simply tell us what we may and may not posses, what we may and may not put into “our” bodies.


Few people stop to think about it. Ponder the nature of this business.

Grown men – who themselves possess and consume various “drugs” decreed (arbitrarily) to be legal – think nothing of siccing dogs on people, taking their property, throwing them in cages… because they possess or consume some other “drug” just as arbitrarily decreed to be illegal. And are not ashamed or even slightly embarrassed.

It is husbandry.

I restrict what my animals may consume – and control what they do – because I own them. They are my property, to do with as I see fit.

We stand in the same relation to the state as my chickens.