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Pizzagate: BBC Cover Up Another Huge Pedophile Scandal

The BBC are the last organization on earth that should be weighing in on a pedophile scandal, but the state-sponsored outlet with a shameful history of covering up elite pedophile scandals has declared Pizzagate “fake news” and dismissed the scandal as “the fake story that shows how conspiracy theories spread.” That would be the same BBC who covered up their star presenter Jimmy Savile’s decades of extreme pedophilia until as late as 2012 – only relenting and acknowledging the scandal after it was forced into the open by independent investigators. Just this year Dame Janet Smith’s report into the Jimmy Savile pedophile case concluded that BBC bosses must have been aware of Savile’s activities when he sexual assaulted numerous young girls, some as young as 10-years-old, whilst he was presenting the BBC’s Top Of The Pops program. Another BBC employee, TV presenter Stuart Hall, was also found guilty of sexually molesting children. Again the BBC had to report that that its bosses were aware of Hall’s activities and did nothing to stop it. Now the BBC are attempting to cover up Pizzagate. Their article quotes James Alefantis, the owner of Comet Ping Pong who maintains his total innocence and claims Pizzagate “ignores basic truths.” “They ignore basic truths. For instance, the conspiracy supposedly [...]

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