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Plane Nearly Takes Off Photographer’s Head

A plane trying to land at a notoriously dangerous airport in the Caribbean just missed a photographer’s head as he was busy snapping photos of the approach. abc news radio reports: Video of the scary moment shows the unidentified man quickly squatting down as the plane flies just inches above him. The man, dressed in beach shorts and a T-shirt, then immediately pops back up to continue snapping the plane as it lands. The airport in Saint Barthélemy, a French-speaking Caribbean island, is considered one of the most dangerous in the world because of its short landing strip. ABC Breaking News | Latest News Videos The plane almost skimmed the top of photographer’s head in St Barts, according to IBN Live: It was a close shave for a photographer who wanted a perfect shot of an airplane landing. A photographer was trying to click the perfect picture when the plane almost skimmed the top of his head.