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Police: George Michael ‘Probably’ Murdered

Detectives investigating the death of George Michael say it is looking increasingly likely that the singer was murdered.  According to UK police investigating George Michael’s unexplained death, they wish to speak to a number of “mystery visitors” seen visiting the star in his final hours. According to a post-mortem, the Wham! star’s death remains “inconclusive,” which has led to the delay of funeral arrangements being made while police investigate whether foul-play was involved. According to an insider, George Michael was “suicided” due to his increasingly outspoken, political, anti-establishment views. George Michael’s partner, Fadi Fawaz, posted a series of tweets shortly after his death claiming that the late singer “took his own life,” adding fuel to the rumors that his death was suspicious. reports: Fawaz shut down his Twitter account after tweets, which he claimed were sent by hackers using his name, suggested Michael had committed suicide. Now police are looking to speak to a number of visitors seen entering the former Wham! star’s home in Oxfordshire, as they try to piece together an accurate picture of his final few days. According to Mirror Online, the individuals could hold vital information about the pop icon’s cause of death. A “source close to” the investigation [...]

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