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Prince Autopsy Results – Police Do Not Rule Out Murder

The Prince autopsy results are in and the Carver County sheriff’s office say that their murder investigation is still going ahead. The Midwest Medical Examiner’s office released Prince’s autopsy results on Thursday, stating he died from an overdose of “self-administered fentanyl” – however this explanation is not the whole story. Asked why the police were still investigating if it was a simple case of an accidental drug overdose, a police insider, speaking under the condition of anonymity because his position does not authorize him to speak to the media, said it was possible Prince was fed a lethal cocktail of drugs.  This angle of their inquires is being treated like a murder investigation. Foul Play Suspected Fentanyl is a synthetic opiate painkiller, eighty times more powerful than morphine and hundreds of times more powerful than heroin, according to the CDC.  Are we expected to believe intelligent health-conscious pop-star, that paragon of self-discipline, was addicted to a substance hundreds of times more powerful than heroin? Family and Friends Reject Findings “Drug overdose would not be something we would even think of an a sentence with his name,” said Dez Dickerson, his former guitarist and longtime friend. “Everybody who knows Prince knows [...]