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Putin Endorses Trump Saying He Understands Saudi Arabia Problem

President Vladimir Putin has endorsed Republican front-runner Donald Trump, saying that he hopes Trump becomes the next U.S. President so that the Saudi Arabia problem can be finally dealt with.  Speaking at an annual international forum in Vladivostok, Putin criticised Obama’s foreign policy, saying that Russia will not tolerate Washington’s provocative expansion in the Baltic Sea – warning that Russia is fully prepared to defend itself. The Russian leader heaped praise on Trump, saying that the presidential candidate has a good understanding of the threat of terrorism in the Middle-East region – praising him for recognising Saudi Arabia’s role in fuelling the sectarian civil war in Syria, Iraq and Yemen. reports: “Russia hopes to see Mr. Trump in the Oval Office as a smart politician who intends to stop the decades-long vicious circle of supporting Saudi regime, which would naturally lead to further terrorist activities and chaos. Moscow won’t sit idle by while the American battleships imping on our territorial sovereignty in the Baltic Sea,” ITAR-TASS News Agency quoted President Putin as saying on Sunday. Americans won’t elect a termagant wife [Clinton], added President Putin, who bears the disgrace of supporting Saudi-backed Jihadists in Syria. Clinton did not conceal [...]