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Reporters Face 10 Years In Jail If They Mention Fukushima ‘Conspiracies’

Japanese Prime Minister Abe has warned that any reporter or doctor who publicly discloses the truth about Fukushima will face ten years in jail.  Amid the worsening crisis at Unit 2 in the Fukushima Daichi reactor complex, where “unimaginable” levels of radiation are being pumped into the ocean which scientists warn pose a cancer risk to million of Japanese citizens, the government has ordered a complete media blackout on all reports about the dangers this poses to public health. reports: The radiation measurement was 530 sieverts, or 53,000 rems (Roentgen Equivalent for Man). The dose at which half an exposed population would die is 250 to 500 rems, so this is a massive measurement. It is quite likely had the robot been able to penetrate deeper into the inner cavern containing the molten corium, the measurement would have been much greater. These facts illustrate why it will be almost impossible to “decommission” units 1, 2 and 3 as no human could ever be exposed to such extreme radiation. This fact means that Fukushima Daichi will remain a diabolical blot upon Japan and the world for the rest of time, sitting as it does on active earthquake zones. What the photos taken by [...]

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