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Savings Rate Surges To Highest Since 2012 As Spending Disappoints

The Keynesians will not be pleased. Despite the holiday season, December spending disappointed with no change MoM (0.0% vs +0.1% exp). This is further sentiment-destructivbe as income data rose more than expected MoM (+0.3% vs +0.2% exp) even as income growth YoY slipped to its weakest in 9 months.

Perhaps most sadly of all, 42% of December Personal Income gains came from Government Social Benefits, mostly Social Security and Medicare. Vive le recovery.

Spending on Goods, both durable and non-durable, tumbled by $34.6 billion offset by $33.9 billion jump in spending on services.

Widening the gap...


This of course means the personal savings rate rose, pushing to 5.5% - the highest since 2012.

Not what the PhDs in The Eccles Building are demanding or their textbooks are predicting.


Charts: Bloomberg