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Soros-Linked Former Clinton Staffer Behind 'Organized' Townhall Protests

Confirming the Republican Chair of the House Committee on Oversight, Jason Chaffetz's comments last week, that protesters were an organized mob:

Chaffetz shot back, and told KSL that the raucous reception he received at Thursday evening's town hall meeting was "bullying and an attempt at intimidation" from a crowd opposed to President Donald Trump's election. More importantly, the republican accused paid interests (here the name of George Soros has been heard frequently in recent months) of orchestrating the rising protests and violence at Republican townhalls. Chaffets said the crowd that filled the auditorium at Brighton High School in Cottonwood Heights and spilled over into a protest outside, included people brought in from other states to disrupt the meeting.


"Absolutely. I know there were," he said, suggesting it was "more of a paid attempt to bully and intimidate" than a reflection of the feelings of his 3rd District constituents.


"You could see it online a couple days before, a concerted effort in part to just cause chaos," the Utah Republican said Friday.



"Democrats are in disbelief that they have nothing but flailing and screaming to deal with this."

Democrats have insisted that recent town hall outbursts against Republican politicians occurred organically, likening them to the Tea Party.

President Donald Trump yesterday tweeted that the "so-called angry crowds in home districts of some Republicans are actually, in numerous occasions, planned out by liberal activists. Sad!"

It is now clear that Trump is correct and this so-called 'Townhall Project' is organized and centralized, not organic...

FreeBeacon's Joe Schoffstall reports that a group serving as a central hub of information for congressional town halls was founded by a former Hillary Clinton campaign staffer and its parent company is located at the same address as an organization funded by liberal billionaire George Soros.

The Town Hall Project, a group that serves as a one-stop shop of information for town hall protests across the country, is connected to a former Clinton staffer and is also closely affiliated with a number of liberal groups.

The group, which has been referenced by media outlets on numerous occasions, bills itself as a "volunteer-powered, grassroots effort that empowers constituents across the country to have face-to-face conversations with their elected representatives."

Jimmy Dahman, a former field organizer for the Clinton campaign in Iowa, founded the Town Hall Project. Dahman claimed on CNN that the town hall events are "all organic and happening at the grassroots level."

Dahman's group is closely involved with, a major progressive activist group that recently launched a website, called, to encourage activists to attend town hall events.

The Town Hall Project's parent company is The Action Network, which was involved in demonstrations against Walmart and the protests in Ferguson.

Finally, we note the projects potential links to billionaire George Soros...

The Action Network is located at the same Washington, D.C., address as United We Dream, the "largest immigrant youth-led organization in the nation." United We Dream has received funding from liberal billionaire George Soros. It began organizing "sanctuary campus" anti-Trump protests shortly after the election.


The Action Network also shares the same address as Change to Win, the labor organizing group.

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