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State Police Tracking Social Media To Monitor Flint Water Crisis Talk

Police in Michigan have been using online surveillance to monitor social media comments made about the Flint water crisis, according to emails released by Governor Rick Snyder’s office. The emails reveal that there had even been an attempt to press charges against one man over a Facebook post in which he criticized the governments handling of the crisis. RT reports: Although being reported by Michigan Live only now, the revelation initially came from an April 15 document dump by the administration of Michigan Governor Rick Snyder. The governor promised to release emails related to the lead contamination of Flint’s water after the state came under intense criticism for its responsibility in the crisis. According to one of the roughly 127,000 emails that were released, an analyst at the Michigan State Police Intelligence Operations Center said she was in assigned to oversee social media networks like Facebook and Twitter for discussions about the situation in Flint. She highlighted an alleged Facebook post by a Copper City, Michigan man who criticized the government’s response to Flint. “It’s time for civil unrest. Burn down the Governor mansion, elimionate (sic) the capitol where the legislators RE-INSTATED the emergency dictator law after the PEOPLE voted it [...]