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Top 10 Ways Lawless Obama Violated The Constitution

In the last few days the mainstream media, as well as Barack Obama himself, have been pushing the idea that his administration, whatever its other failings, was “scandal-free.” In reality, the Obama administration was the most lawless in history. Obama, a lawyer by trade, saw himself as professionally above the law, ignoring the presidential office’s legal limits and using every trick in the book to work around constitutional checks and balances. Even liberal law professors agree, with Garrett Epps admitting “Obama leaves the Constitution weaker than at the beginning of his terms.” Cato reports: As we mark another peaceful transfer of power, let’s pause to note the 10 most significant ways in which Barack Obama violated the Constitution, in rough chronological order. 1. The Chrysler Bailout Building on the Bush administration’s illegal use of TARP funds to bail out the auto industry, the Obama administration in 2009 bullied Chrysler’s secured creditors—who were entitled to “absolute priority”—into accepting 30 cents on the dollar, while junior creditors such as labor unions received much more. This subversion of creditor rights violates not just bankruptcy law, but also the Constitution’s Takings and Due Process Clauses. This blatant crony capitalism—government-directed industrial policy to help political insiders—discourages investors and generally undermines confidence [...]

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