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Trump Extends Feud With "Wacky Wilson" To Sixth Day, Says Fake News "Finally Sinking In"

In a relatively tame by his weekend standards Twitter outburst, President Trump on Sunday again ripped into Rep. Frederica Wilson, extending his feud with the "wacky" Florida Democrat into its sixth day, over the contents of his call to the widow of a fallen U.S. soldier. "Wacky Congresswoman Wilson is the gift that keeps on giving for the Republican Party, a disaster for Dems. You watch her in action & vote R!" Trump tweeted.

It was the second straight day in which Trump referred to Wilson as "wacky" following up to a Saturday tweet, when he said he hopes the "Fake News Media" keeps talking abut Wilson, whom he claimed is "killing the Democratic Party."

Trump has continued to push back against Wilson's claims, who previously said she was in the car with the widow of Army Sgt. La David Johnson when Trump called and in which she said Trump told the soldier's widow that he "knew what he signed up for...but when it happens it hurts anyway." On Thursday, Trump accused Wilson of lying about the content of the call after "secretly" listening in. Chief of staff John Kelly last week also gave an  emotional press conference in which he said he was "stunned" by Wilson's negative description of the call. "I would have thought that was sacred," Kelly said during last week's press conference.

In his second tweet, Trump said media organizations have “lost cred,” pointing to a recent poll that found almost half of voters think the media make up stories about him.

“It is finally sinking through. 46% OF PEOPLE BELIEVE MAJOR NATIONAL NEWS ORGS FABRICATE STORIES ABOUT ME. FAKE NEWS, even worse!” Trump tweeted. “Lost cred.”

Trump was referring to last week's Politico/Morning Consult poll which found that 46% of voters think the media fabricate reports about Trump and his administration. Just 37 percent of voters disagree and another 17 percent are undecided. The results predictably broke down by party lines with 76% of Republicans thinking the media fabricate stories about Trump, while just 20% of Democrats agree and 65% of Democrats disagree. The poll was conducted after Trump went after media companies in a series of tweets, saying that their broadcast licenses should be challenged and potentially revoked.

"Network news has become so partisan, distorted and fake that licenses must be challenged and, if appropriate, revoked," Trump wrote on Twitter. "Not fair to public!" Trump also called reporters at some news networks “fiction writers” in a tweet last Tuesday.