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Trump Orders FBI To Raid CDC Over ‘Vaccine-Autism Cover-Up’

On Monday morning President Trump ordered the FBI to raid the CDC headquarters in Atlanta over claims that the agency were covering-up a link between vaccines and autism. Just hours after Trump’s positive meeting with FBI Director James Comey, agents performed a 3am raid at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention building, accompanied by Doctor William Thompson – a government whistleblower who rose to fame after exposing the CDC’s systematic cover-up of the link between vaccinations and autism. reports: According to this report, almost a fortnight ago, President Trump appointed anti-vaccine activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to become the Chairman of the Golden Vaccine Safety Task Force, and whose scathing manifesto titled MERCURY & VACCINES shocked the liberal elites in America who have for decades deliberately poisoned millions of children, while at the same time, in 1986, President Clinton signed a law called the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 that eliminated any liability to pharmaceutical manufacturers for their complicity in this crime against humanity. Nearly immediately after President Trump appointed Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to head this vaccine-autism task force, this report continues, he then requested that Sally Yates become the Acting Attorney General of the Department [...]

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