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Turkey Down Two US Marine Helicopters, Killing 12 Soldiers

Russia have expressed their horror at the downing of two US Marine helicopters by Turkey last week, which killed all 12 soldiers on board.  A Turkish Air Force fighter jet fired a two American CH-53 Sea Stallion helicopters being flown by the US Marine Corps Special Operations Command (MARSOC) over Kurdish held territory in Syria. US forces had been dispatched from Ayn al-Asas Airbase in Iraq for a routine re-supply mission of US and British troops embedded within the Kurdish People’s Protection Unit (YPG), who were fighting ISIS militants near the Turkish border. reports: Immediately upon Federation Aerospace Forces detecting this Turkish “unprovoked” attack upon these two MARSOC helicopters, this report continues, Russian commanders notified the Combined Air Operations Center (CAOC) at Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar advising the American’s of their willingness to assist in search and rescues missions, but which the US commanders stated they did not need as their own TRAP forces (tactical recovery of aircraft and personnel) had already been alerted. Most outlandishly, this report notes, is that within 5 hours of Turkey shooting down these two MARSOC helicopters in Syria, Aerospace Forces satellites monitoring the Pacific Ocean region detected what they believed at the time [...]