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Turkish Ship Loaded With Guns And Explosives Heads Towards Lebanon

According to Turkish and Greek news outlets, a cargo ship containing thousands of guns and explosives headed towards Lebanon has been seized by Greek authorities.  The ship, named “Kukui Boy”, had left the port in Izmir, Turkey, destined for Lebanon. Greek authorities inspected the ship after it refused a warning stop and found thousands of undocumented weapons aboard. reports: Interestingly, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) today issued a formal declaration that decried Lebanon’s ruling political party and military group Hezbollah as a terrorist organisation. The GCC is a Sunni-dominated organisation, comprising Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, countries which have also placed their support firmly behind the jihadist terrorists throughout Syria trying to overthrow Assad’s government. Hezbollah on the other hand, a Shia group supported by Iran, has supported the Syrian government in its war against terror, and the always colourful Secretary General of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, openly attacked Saudi Arabia for its war of aggression against Yemen just yesterday: “The kingdom is trying to put pressure on the Lebanese to try to silent us but we will not be silent on the crimes the Saudis are committing in Yemen and elsewhere,” “Does Saudi Arabia have the [...]