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US Judge Acquits Saudi Arabia, Rules Against Iran In 9/11 Case

The New York judge who dismissed claims against Saudi Arabia by families of victims of the 9/11 attacks has ruled against Iran…. despite over a dozen Saudis citizens not Iranians being involved on September 11 Iran was hit with a judgment after failing to defend court claims and have been ordered to pay more than $10.5 billion in damages to families of people killed in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks and to a group of insurers. Press TV reports: New York district judge George Daniels issued the default judgment on Wednesday, claiming Iran failed to defend itself against allegations of having a role in the attacks. The court ruled that Iran must pay more than 10 billion dollars in damages to families of people killed on 9/11. The ruling is based on the 9/11 Commission Report which stated that some attackers moved through Iran and did not have their passports stamped. It also said Lebanon’s Hezbollah resistance movement provided advice and training to al-Qaeda members who carried out the attacks. Daniels had earlier cleared Saudi Arabia from culpability. The allegations come as 15 of the 19 attackers were Saudi citizens and not a single one was Iranian.  Two were [...]