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Woman Suffers Miscarriage After Cops Beat Her During False Arrest

The New York Police Department is being sued by a woman who claims that cops “battered” her during a false arrest, causing her to suffer a miscarriage during an incident at her home over a year ago.  According to Emelda Fitzroy, officers brutally struck her in the stomach, threw her to the ground and stomped on her, on November 2nd, 2014. reports: Fitzroy’s civil complaint does not specify why cops came to her home, although it notes she was arrested on charges of felony and misdemeanor assault, misdemeanor counts of resisting arrest and obstructing governmental administration, and lesser counts of harassment. All of those charges were dropped last week on Jan. 26, the complaint states. Fitzroy, a home health aide, alleges deprivation of civil rights, use of excessive force, false arrest, unlawful search and seizure, and common-law assault and battery. She suffered “severe and permanent psychological pain” due to her loss of the fetus, the complaint alleges. Fitzroy has sued the city and four cops and seeks unspecified monetary damages. The incident occurred around 1:45 p.m., the complaint says. The cops approached Fitzroy, “forcibly grabbed” her and arrested her “without any legal justification,” according to the complaint. Fitzroy told [...]