Russia and Israel are planning to sign a free trade agreement (FTA) very soon, Russian Deputy Agriculture Minister Sergey Levin confirmed on Friday. “Such decisions aim at maximizing cooperation between Russia and Israel in terms of agriculture and new technologies; creation of joint ventures, as well as the prospects of a free trade zone agreement which the government expects to sign with Israel as soon as possible,” Levin said following Russian Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich’s meeting with businessmen from Israel. reports: = Israel’s Minister of Agriculture Uri Ariel also expressed hopes the two countries would sign the agreement soon. Russia plans exporting eggs and meat (particularly beef) and extending the list of exported agricultural produce as a whole, according to Levin. He also explained Russia is a traditional grain supplier to Israel. “We cover 17-18 percent of Israel’s imported grain, especially wheat,” said Levin. In December, Russia and Israel announced the start of free trade zone talks. At that time, Israeli Minister Zeev Elkin said Tel Aviv wanted a free trade agreement with the EEU (Russia-led Eurasian Economic Union) as soon as possible. Israel pivots to Eurasia — RT (@RT_com) December 8, 2015 According to him, [...]