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Kurdish Commander: Turkey Support ISIS, We Have Conclusive Proof

A top Kurdish commander has claimed that Turkey are actively supporting terrorist groups such as ISIS, arming them with weapons and munitions with its ally Saudi Arabia. Murat Karayılan says he has documentary evidence that the AKP, headed by Turkey’s Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, has links to numerous terror groups including ISIS. reports: Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) has an “ideological inter-relationship” and joint interests with the radical Islamists, Karayılan said in an interview to RIA given in the Qandil Mountains, an area in Iraqi Kurdistan, next to the Iraq–Iran border. “Along with Saudi Arabia and Qatar, Turkey has been sponsoring jihadists [in Syria] that emerged from Al-Qaeda… These states backed and armed radical Salafi groups, which base all of their actions on sharia [law],” he said. Turkey wants to become a regional leader and that aspiration forced it to get bogged down in the Syrian crisis, the Kurdish leader said. It was the interference of Ankara and Riyadh that stripped the Syrian opposition of the remaining democratic and moderate attributes, Karayılan added. “In this context, the Syrian Kurds and their political parties come in sharp contrast [to Turkish political forces] due to their secular attitude to lifestyle and state [...]