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US Has A ‘Plan B’ For Syria – John Kerry

The US is discussing “Plan B” options should the Syrian ceasefire and political transition fail, the Secretary of State told a Senate committee. While giving testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Tuesday, Kerry said: “There is a significant discussion taking place now about a Plan B in the event that we do not succeed at the [negotiating] table” Kerry stressed that the partitioning of Syria could be part of the Plan B… He told the committee it ‘may be too late’ to keep Syria whole and suggests Washington would support partition if ceasefire is unsuccessful. Kerry also praised Moscow’s crucial role in brokering the ceasfire agreement that was reached by the US and Russia However, Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov said that Moscow was not discussing alternative plans for a political settlement in Syria. “We’re perplexed by our Western partners, the US included, mentioning the existence of some kind of ‘Plan B,’ Nothing is known on that one, we are considering no alternative plans,” Bognanov said. Russia is currently focusing on ‘Plan A’ when it comes to dealing with the situation in Syria Dmitry Peskov said. RT reports: Commenting on the ambiguous so-called “Plan B” mentioned by [...]