Ali G appeared at Sunday’s Oscars ceremony in defiance of the Academy’s ban. British born comedian Sacha Baron Cohen was to present the Oscars’ nominees for best picture as himself. However before the presentation on Sunday night, the famous writer/producer and comedian popped into the disabled toilets of the academy with his wife , Isla Fisher, and emerged minutes later as Ali G, a character who questions and demands answers on pressing issues. Ali G questioned the Academy’s lack of nominated talent among people of color, especially the intergalactic black movie legend Darth Vader from Star Wars. The Young and the Restless video: Hollywood Reporter: When Sacha Baron Cohen stepped up to present at the Oscars on Sunday dressed as his character Ali G, poking fun at the diversity debate by describing himself as “just another token black presenter,” many might have assumed the Academy had forgiven the comedian for his stunt in 2012 when he tipped an urn full of what he claimed were Kim Jong-Il’s ashes over Ryan Seacrest. But it turns out the appearance was likely just as much a surprise to the organizers. “The truth is we actually had to sneak it in, because the Oscars sat me down [...]