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Hillary Clinton’s Role In Libya War Revealed

The role presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton played as secretary of state in the 2011 military intervention in Libya is starting to unravel as more than 50 officials from the US, Europe, and Libya speak out. In a two part report for The New York Times many of those directly involved in the mission that overthrew the former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, portray Clinton as a catalyst in the decision to go to war. Hillary Clinton with Libyan soldiers in October 2011 RT reports: Beginning in Spring 2011, NATO carried out a bombing campaign for seven months, leaving Libya a failed state overrun by extremist groups. The official government now only controls the eastern portion of the country, with Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL), Ansar al-Sharia and local militant groups controlling other areas. In the run-up to the intervention, however, Clinton became convinced that overthrowing Gaddafi would lead to a democracy, according to multiple sources interviewed by The New York Times. Former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates said Clinton was a major influence in President Barack Obama’s decision to go to war. Gates recounted Obama once telling him a debate in the Oval Office on the issue was split “51-49.” “I’ve [...]