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Thousands Protest In London Against Turkish War On Kurds

Thousands took to the streets of London to protest against Ankara’s military operation against the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) which causes suffering to the Kurdish minority both in Turkey and beyond. Organized by an activist group known as Stop War on Kurds, the protest took place in central London on Sunday amid media silence. RT reports: The crowd was a mixture of both Kurds and non-Kurdish supporters. People were seen carrying banners that read “Stop Turkish State’s War on Kurds”, “Break the Silence on Kurds” and “ISIS Made in Turkey.” The protest action was triggered by the Turkish crackdown on the Kurdish minority which participants said goes “unreported in the UK press.” The group is “demanding the UK govt puts pressure on Turkey to stop these attacks,” a statement on the Stop War on Kurds Facebook page said. #London: Solidarity with Kurds demo today against AKP/Turkish state terror and fascism. #StopWarOnKurds #6thMarch — ѕyndιcalιѕт (@syndicalisms) March 6, 2016 Protesters also called for the UK government to criminalize the Kurdish Liberation Movement since it “creates serious barriers and difficulties in the search for a peaceful, political settlement.” The action was called by the Kurdistan National Congress in the UK, the [...]