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Leaked Documents May Identify Thousands Of ISIS Militants

Leaked ISIS documents with the names of 22,000 militants from 51 countries including the UK, Europe, the US, Canada, North Africa and Middle East have been passed to UK security services. The files, stored on a memory stick were reportedly obtained by Sky News  via a defector who stole them from the head of Islamic State’s internal security police. The #ISIS documents from Sky News — Henk van Ess (@henkvaness) March 9, 2016 Press TV reports: They were stolen from the head of Daesh internal security force by a former member of the so-called Free Syrian Army militant group before joining Daesh. According to the report, the man, who called himself Abu Hamed, handed over the memory stick during a meeting at an undisclosed location in Turkey. The documents resembled a typical job application form with 23 personal questions, including names, date and place of birth, hometown, telephone number, education and blood type. Sky News said some of the names in the documents were already well-known, but the files could also help identify some extremists who had already been unknown to authorities in their countries. On Monday, Germany’s Federal Criminal Police (BKA) police also announced they had obtained documents disclosing jihadist [...]