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Top Scholar Says Common Core Math Is Making Our Children Really Dumb

The President of the National Associated of Scholars has slammed Common Core saying that its program currently implemented in schools across America is deliberately dumbing down our kids, leaving them unprepared for further education and work.  Parents and teachers alike have already criticised the Common Core States Initiative program, which was started in June 2010 as part of Obama’s Race-To-The-Top (RTTT) program. They say its method of teaching and testing hold back smart students and stifle creativity. reports: The US federal Government has stated that their goal with Common Core was to make all students “college-and-career-ready”. Sounds great in theory, but Peter Wood, president of the National Association of Scholars, thinks that the Common Core program is actually resulting in colleges being flooded with students unprepared to do college level work. He believes that: “Common Core pretended that it was going to be raising standards, but what it did, in fact, is put enormous pressure on colleges, many of which are now succumbing to that pressure, to lower their standards.” In other words, the actual effect of Common Core is the further dumbing down of America’s children. Among other things, with the Common Core program in place, students are guaranteed entry [...]