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Note Left By Brussels Suicide Bomber Found On Computer In Trash Can

One of the Brussels suicide bombers allegedly left a note on a computer which was found in a trash can during an anti-terrorist raid, Belgium’s federal prosecutor said. Federal Prosecutor Frederic Van Leeuw said that Ibrahim El Bakraoui, who blew himself up at the Brussels’ Zaventem Airport on Tuesday, wrote that he felt increasingly unsafe, didn’t know what to do and feared going to prison. RT reports: Before the attacks Ibrahim left a note, where he wrote that he felt increasingly unsafe and feared landing up in prison. El Bakraoui said he was “in a hurry, doesn’t know what to do” and was “surrounded by all sides.” The note was found on a computer in a trash can in Brussels’ Schaerbeek neighborhood. Un ordinateur retrouvé dans un poubelle livre le “testament” d’Ibrahim El Bakraoui ➡️ — francetv info (@francetvinfo) March 23, 2016 Earlier reports in Belgian media emerged that a computer with messages allegedly related to Islamic State militants had been found in Brussels. The contents of the computer were described by police as “interesting.” It is not yet clear whether the computer found by cleaning services was the same one mentioned by the prosecutor. The trove was found [...]