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ISIS: Future Attacks Require No ‘Authorisation’ From Our Leaders

ISIS have issued a statement following the attack in Brussels, saying that they intend to commit to further numerous small-scale attacks in Belgium and Europe – without the need for centralised coordination or authority from their leaders.  ISIS say that individual militants and cells are now free to operate semi-independently – opening the gates for many more spontaneous attacks throughout Europe. reports: The thinking now is that ISIS cells have been given a certain amount of autonomy from central command in Raqqa and Mosul because, well, because there’s really no telling if there even is a central command at this juncture. One gets the impression that al-Hayat Media Center just kind of waits to see what happens and then if there’s a “successful” attack (Allahu akbar), then the propaganda arm simply claims it after the fact. That dynamic in many ways makes the group more unpredictable, as semi-autonomous cells do not need al-Baghdadi’s approval before carrying out attacks. With all of that in mind, we present the full statment from ISIS regarding the attacks on Brussels and a reading of the proclamation in French (the .mp3 is of course from al-Bayan, the caliphate’s radio network). As you’ll see (and [...]