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Were Twin Comets The Final Hopi Prophecy Before Nibiru Arrival?

The Hopi Indians are thought by many to be not only the descendants of the Lemurian people, but also the most “spiritually enlightened” group to have ever set foot on our planet. People who have researched the Hopi say that the “sun’s twin star” is destined to return to Earth’s orbit every 3,600 years. Could the recent “discovery” of “twin comets” that passed by Earth during the 2016 Easter celebrations be the final prophecy made by the Hopi’s about the coming of the “second sun” Nibiru”?   5D Productions reports: Binary star systems are the rule, rather than the exception….almost all suns have a twin, or companion sun. and in many parts of the world it’s visible near the sun in the early morning. If you do a “two suns” search on Youtube or even here this blog you will see videos of the second sun from people around the world. We should all heed the warnings handed down to us by our elders. The Hopi have seen the coming of the Red Kachina, our binary star that is on it’s way back. Events as we have been witnessing are only the beginning of the changes our planet and all [...]