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Putin To Support Palestine’s Efforts For Middle East Settlement

Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that Russia intends to fully support Palestine’s efforts in establishing a settlement deal with Israel.  Speaking with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbad in Moscow, Putin said that he wishes to lend his support to the Palestinians as they enter tough negotiations with the Israeli regime. “We will support your efforts aimed at making more effective steps needed in order to reach constructive dialogue,” the Russian President said on Monday. reports: The Russian president also said he would like to talk about regional problems as well as bilateral economic ties, especially in the context of the creation of a Russian-Palestinian intergovernmental commission, at his meeting with Abbas. The Palestinian leader, for his turn, said that he is in favor of holding an international conference on the Middle East settlement. “Now the question of holding an international Middle East conference is on the agenda,” Abbas said. “This issue is very important for us.” The last round of the so-called peace talks between Israelis and Palestinians collapsed in 2014. Tel Aviv’s illegal settlement activities and its refusal to release senior Palestinian prisoners were among major reasons behind the failure of the talks. Tel Aviv formally suspended the talks with [...]