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New 6.2 Tremor Shakes Ecuador Coast Days After Deadly Quake Kills 500

A strong magnitude 6.2  aftershock hit Ecuador’s already devastated Pacific coast before dawn on Wednesday. The tremor saw shaken residents pouring once again into the streets, fearful of yet more damage following the deadly 7.8 earthquake at the weekend. The latest big tremor, which followed several hundred aftershocks from Saturdays quake, hit 25 km (15 miles) off the island of Muisne on the northwest coast at a depth of 15 km (9 miles), the U.S. Geological Survey said. Yahoo News reports: It was the strongest aftershock yet following Saturday’s magnitude-7.8 quake that killed more than 500 people. Some people in Portoviejo abandoned their homes, even those with no apparent damage, and headed through the night toward a former airport where temporary shelters have been set up. Meanwhile, scenes of mourning multiplied all along Ecuador’s normally placid Pacific coastline as people began burying loved ones and hope faded that more survivors will be found. Funeral homes were running out of caskets, and local governments were paying to bring in coffins from other cities. In the small town of Montecristi, near the port of Manta, two children were among those buried Tuesday. They were killed with their mother while buying school supplies [...]