Loved by millions and more ‘royal’ than Elizabeth II, Prince was a one-off: a genius songwriter, performer and musician. But this pint-sized gift to the world of music was also a sworn enemy of the record industry. He dedicated his life to thwarting their plans and at the age of 57 it looked as though he had finally defeated them. Whisper it … Did they kill him? In the middle of his career Prince had a very public falling out with his record company Warner Brothers and the music industry as a whole. He famously wrote SLAVE on his face at the Grammys in 1996 in protest and changed his name to an unpronounceable symbol to spite his label. ‘If you don’t own your masters, your masters own you,’ he said, and dedicated the rest of his life to regaining control of his back catalogue and freeing himself from the tyranny of the established order. What stands out now is that in 2016 Prince was on the verge of a glorious new chapter in his career. Prince had the upper hand over the Illuminati record industry. He had total control for the first time. Never in history had an artist [...]