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Obama Calling For German Military Support To Fight Russia

President Obama has asked NATO ally Germany to actively deploy troops along NATO’s eastern borders, raising the fear of an invasion by Russia. The West is afraid of a Russian invasion of Europe based on Russia’s annexation of Crimea. NATO is expanding eastwards because of it, giving the Russian’s a legitimate reason to fear an invasion. Russia saw the Ukrainian conflict from the start as an attempt by the west to destabilize the region and encroach upon Russian interests. Russia annexed Crimea as a counter measure to western encroachment and put up its guards by drawing a red line in the sand. People might ask why are the Russians afraid? What’s the big deal? The deal was made before the Berlin Wall came down and was a promise made to former Soviet leader Gorbachev by NATO not to deploy along Russia’s borders. A war between the superpowers could be inevitable if the fear and misunderstanding is not resolved soon. The battle between capitalism and communism is now over and the new battle is for resources and territories. Nuclear weapons have been kept on standby for over 70 years and are part of the arsenal of both sides. Weapons of mass destruction could be [...]