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Obama Has Been At War Longer Than Any Other President In History

Obama has a lot of firsts …

For example, Obama:

  • Has prosecuted more whistleblowers than all other presidents combined
  • Sentenced whistleblowers to 31 times the jail time of all prior u.s. presidents combined
  • Prosecuted fewer financial crimes than President Reagan, Clinton or either of the Bush presidents.   (As bad as the Bush administration was, they at least prosecuted the heads of Enron, Worldcom and some other white collar crooks. In contrast, Obama hasn’t prosecuted even one high-level Wall Street executive.)
  • Is more hostile to the press than any president in history
  • Has granted less pardons than any president since Garfield, who served only 200 days as president before being assassinated in 1881

In addition, Obama has presided over:

  • The greatest expansion of mass surveillance in American history
  • One of the largest net changes in debt in American history
  • The largest increase in inequality of any president

And as the New York Times notes this week, Obama has been at war longer than any president in history.