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Here Is Donald Trump's Full 104 Page Report Claiming Over $557 Million In 2015 Income

With Donald Trump's tax return dominating this part of the republican presidential candidate's news cycle, in an attempt to deflect attention from his IRS filing which Turmp has said he won't disclose, last night Trump filed a personal financial statement with the FEC. According to a Trump statement accompanying the release, "the newly filed PFD shows a tremendous cash flow, and a revenue increase of approximately $190 million dollars (which does not include dividends, interest, capital gains, rents and royalties)," Trump said in the release, and it was used to fund construction projects, reduce debt and fund his presidential campaign.

Trump told the FEC that his income is in excess of $557 million. "This income was utilized, among other things, for the funding of construction projects at various multi-million dollar developments, reduction of debt and the funding" of his GOP presidential campaign said the statement.

"As of this date, Mr. Trump’s net worth is in excess of $10b": Trump statement

"Despite the fact that I am allowed extensions, I have again filed my report, which is 104 pages, on time," Trump concluded.

The full report is below (link)

Source: WaPo