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9/11 Commissioner: Saudi Royals Knew About 9/11 Attacks Beforehand

A former 9/11 Commissioner has said that the Saudi Royal family had intelligence about the 9/11 terror attacks in advance, possibly implicating them in the attacks.  Rep. Dana Rohrabacher asked members of the panel at a House Foreign Relations subcommittee hearing to raise their hands in response to the following question: “How many of you there believe that the royal family of Saudi Arabia did not know and was unaware that there was a terrorist plot being implemented that would result in an historic terrorist attack in the United States, in the lead up to 9/11?” Two raised their hands, but Tim Roemer, a 9/11 Commission member and a former congressman, did not. reports: “Congressman, that is just too difficult a question for someone to raise their hand or put their hand down,” Roemer explained. He then suggested Rohrabacher read 28 classified pages of the 9/11-Commission report that describe overseas support for the 9/11 attackers. The exchange begins at the 1 hour, 20 minute, and 51 second mark here: Those 28 pages remain classified despite calls for their release from several former members of the 9/11 Commission — a bipartisan blue-ribbon panel that from 2002 to 2004 investigated the 9/11 attacks and the intelligence failures [...]