British prime minister David Cameron is trying to fast-track an EU-Canada trade deal without parliamentary consent. A set of leaked notes that were allegedly made during the EU Foreign Affairs/Trade-Council in Brussels on 13 May, appears to show that the UK is aggressively pushing for a controversial trade between the EU and Canada to be implemented through parliament before MP’s have a chance to vote on the issue. RT reports: The Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) is free trade deal between Canada and Europe, which shares many traits with the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) deal being brokered between the EU and US. Campaigners warn CETA, which has been finalized but not ratified, would pave the way for a “corporate power grab,” while undercutting vital legislation put in place to protect workers’ rights, the environment and consumer safety. Canada-EU trade deal could sideline Parliament @M_Star_Online #CETA #NoTTIP — Nick Dearden (@nickdearden75) May 26, 2016 Leaked minutes of a meeting held on May 13, obtained by UK campaign Global Justice Now (GJN), shed light on recent discussions concerning the agreement. EU ministers gathered in Brussels to review EU trade negotiations and Europe’s steel industry crisis. The minutes suggest [...]