An Elk in Yellowstone National Park charged a female visitor after she got too close to the wild animal. The woman hoping to capture a photo with the Elk inched her way close to the animal for a selfie shot. She was charged by the Elk after failing to abide by park rules that stipulate keeping a safe distance from and showing respect to wildlife. abc News reports: National Park visitation is at record highs, Jeffrey Olson, a spokesman for the National Park Service, told ABC News. But he said that some people hoping for a great photo can “endanger themselves and endanger wildlife.” “People generally are just so excited to be in a park, and the next cool thing is if they can get a picture of wildlife, and then the third thing is ‘Can I get a picture of me and the wildlife?'” he said. This confrontation with an elk follows recent incident in which a baby bison was euthanized after tourists put it in the back of their vehicle and took photos that went viral. The National Park Service advises visitors to stay at least 100 yards away from bears and wolves and 25 yards away from [...]